Tabac is a distinguished collection renowned for its classic and timeless fragrance offerings, appealing predominantly...

Tabac is a distinguished collection renowned for its classic and timeless fragrance offerings, appealing predominantly to those who value tradition and quality. At the heart of this collection lies the original Tabac Eau de Cologne, a scent that has captivated enthusiasts with its unique blend of aromatic notes since 1959. This iconic fragrance opens with fresh accents of lavender, bergamot, and lemon, creating an invigorating and clean sensation that smoothly transitions into a heart dominated by spicy nutmeg and sandalwood. The base notes settle into rich tobacco, musk, and ambergris, crafting an enduring aroma that resonates with warmth and sophistication.

The Tabac range extends beyond just colognes; it includes an assortment of grooming products designed to enhance the daily rituals of modern gentlemen. These include shaving creams and soaps known for their rich lathering properties that provide a smooth shave while leaving behind a subtle hint of the signature Tabac scent. Accompanying these are aftershaves that not only soothe but also sustain the aromatic experience throughout the day.

A significant feature of the Tabac collection is its ability to maintain versatility in different contexts—whether it be formal or casual settings—while retaining its harmonious character. Despite changes in fashion trends over decades, Tabac has preserved its relevance through consistent quality and performance. The packaging itself exudes elegance with classic design elements reflecting the brand’s storied heritage. For those who appreciate enduring fragrances with deep-rooted identities, Tabac remains a favored choice across generations.



Tabac is a distinguished collection renowned for its classic and timeless fragrance offerings, appealing predominantly to those who value tradition and quality. At the heart of this collection...

Tabac is a distinguished collection renowned for its classic and timeless fragrance offerings, appealing predominantly to those who value tradition and quality. At the heart of this collection lies the original Tabac Eau de Cologne, a scent that has captivated enthusiasts with its unique blend of aromatic notes since 1959. This iconic fragrance opens with fresh accents of lavender, bergamot, and lemon, creating an invigorating and clean sensation that smoothly transitions into a heart dominated by spicy nutmeg and sandalwood. The base notes settle into rich tobacco, musk, and ambergris, crafting an enduring aroma that resonates with warmth and sophistication.

The Tabac range extends beyond just colognes; it includes an assortment of grooming products designed to enhance the daily rituals of modern gentlemen. These include shaving creams and soaps known for their rich lathering properties that provide a smooth shave while leaving behind a subtle hint of the signature Tabac scent. Accompanying these are aftershaves that not only soothe but also sustain the aromatic experience throughout the day.

A significant feature of the Tabac collection is its ability to maintain versatility in different contexts—whether it be formal or casual settings—while retaining its harmonious character. Despite changes in fashion trends over decades, Tabac has preserved its relevance through consistent quality and performance. The packaging itself exudes elegance with classic design elements reflecting the brand’s storied heritage. For those who appreciate enduring fragrances with deep-rooted identities, Tabac remains a favored choice across generations.

38 products