7 Scientific Benefits of NAD Therapy

7 Scientific Benefits of NAD Therapy

NAD Therapy – What is it?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme found in the living cells. It plays a crucial role in the metabolic reactions and production of energy from them. NAD is well-known for its role in cellular respiration and deriving the energy at cellular level. However, recently scientists have gathered significant information about NAD and studied its potential benefits in wellness and longevity as well. 

As our age increases, the levels of NAD in our body drops. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) therapy aims to compensate for these dropping levels and help in restoring its role in metabolic functions and other health benefits. In the article below, we will discuss the seven scientifically known benefits of NAD and understand the vitality of this molecule for our overall well-being.

What are the Benefits of NAD Therapy?

Enlisted below are the seven benefits of NAD therapy that are well-understood by the scientific studies and evidence.

  1. Cellular Energy Production

Cellular energy production is one of the main roles of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). It plays the role inside the powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondria. NAD facilitates the conversion of obtained nutrients into energy that must be utilised by the body for various functions. NAD is useful in the electron transport chain (ETC) that involves a series of steps to create the main energy currency of the body, known as Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

Research explains the role of high NAD levels in improved energy production by the mitochondria. A research article published in the Cell Metabolism journal showed that high levels of NAD+ in advanced age mice enhanced their mitochondrial functions that were apparent by their boosted physical stamina. This research suggested that similar benefits can be achieved by human physiology as well. This finding makes NAD therapy particularly beneficial and applicable for individuals experiencing age-related decline in their energy and function levels or those experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

  1. Genomic Stability and DNA Repair

The DNA in the nucleus of our cells often accumulates damages over the years due to lifestyle preferences, environmental factors and metabolism. These damages have the potential to cause mutations (leading to cancers) or premature aging due to exhaustion of the DNA. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) therapy is a useful supplemental option as it promotes active repair in the DNA by activating certain enzymes called sirtuins and poly ADP ribose polymerases (PARPs). These enzymes have the ability to detect and repair the damages done in the DNA structure, thus preventing many serious health problems.

A research article published in the Nature Communications further confirmed this theory and suggested that NAD+ is an essential element to activate certain enzymes (including PARPs) to detect damages in the DNA and activate the effective mechanisms to repair the DNA. Thus, NAD therapy increases the levels of NAD in the body, making it available for effective repair of the DNA and prevent from several illnesses by offering protection against mutations.

  1. Neuronal Protection and Improving Cognition

Our brain has high energy demands and relies heavily on NAD levels to provide the energy for maintenance of the neuronal health. Various case reports suggest that dropping levels of NAD were associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Huntington’s chorea. Supplemental therapy with NAD has shown promising results in protecting these neurons from degeneration and improve cognitive abilities.

A research article published in the Cell Reports highlighted the importance of NAD+ levels by experimenting with mice models with Alzheimer’s disease. These researchers found that these mice models had a neurodegenerative disorder but supplementation with NAD therapy showed reduced inflammation along with improving their cognition by protecting the neurons from further damage. Moreover, NAD therapy has shown positive results in terms of improving memory in various animal models. Similar research that involves humans are underway, however, most research involving animal subjects already suggests that NAD+ therapy could be a huge breakthrough in the fight against neurodegenerative disorders and the associated deteriorating cognition.

  1. Enhancing Immune Functions

A strengthened immune system is essential to fight against the many invading microorganisms and resultant infections. NAD+ therapy helps with improving the immune system by strengthening the T-cells and thus improving the adaptive immunity. Various research regarding role of NAD+ levels in immune response suggests that NAD+ improves the immunity in the context of reducing the onsetting factors of chronic diseases and premature aging.

A study article published in the journal of Nature Immunology suggested that supplementation with NAD+ therapy enhanced the functions of T cells in advanced age mice and lead to improvement in their immune functions. Various research suggests that NAD therapy has the ability to enhance the defence mechanisms of our body by supporting the immune system and reducing inflammation, making it resilient against the foreign infective intruders.

  1. Enhancing Addiction Recovery and Detoxification

NAD therapy has garnered attention in the field of addiction recovery due to its significant role in reducing withdrawal symptoms during the process of quitting substance use. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is involved in many enzymatic reactions that work to detoxify the body of harmful agents and metabolic byproducts, supporting the health of liver. Moreover, the ability of NAD to influence the production and timely release of neurotransmitters in the brain also helps with improving the mood during the process of giving up on the addictions, that helps a great deal with follow up and consistency of an individual undergoing the management plan for addiction recovery.

Clinical trials and their research reports have suggested that NAD therapy is useful in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms in individuals undertreatment for detoxification from substance abuse such as opioids and alcohol. NAD therapy helps in restoration of the NAD levels in the body, that improves the mood of an individual undergoing addiction recovery along with enhancing their natural detoxification mechanisms to get over the toxic substances rather easily.

  1. Sustaining Lifespan and Healthy Aging

In search for ways to ensure longevity and healthy aging, scientists finally found NAD+ as a key player in the process of aging. As we age, the levels of NAD begin to fall in the body that is apparent by the lowered energy levels and increased predisposition to diseases that are age-related. NAD therapy helps with the restoration of NAD levels in the body, thus delaying the process of aging and postponing the onset of age-related health problems.

A study article published in the reputable journal Science have shown that supplementation with NAD+ therapy has the ability to extend the lifespan in various organisms such as mice, worms and yeast. NAD+ therapy exerts its anti-aging effects by activating the sirtuins enzymatic proteins that regulate the cellular metabolic functions and ensure longevity. Sirtuins are essential enzymes that regulate various cellular processes such as metabolism, activating the various mechanisms to start the repair of the DNA and reduce inflammation. All the mentioned functions of sirtuins enzymes lead to delayed and healthy aging that also keeps the age-related health disorders at bay.

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  1. Improved Metabolism and Weight Management

Metabolic disorders are major health concerns around the globe. It includes obesity and diabetes mellitus type II that deteriorates the health by eating away each vital organ, one at a time, with the passage of time. NAD plays a potential role in ensuring smooth metabolic regulation by affecting pathways associated with balancing the energy levels in the body, improving insulin sensitivity and making the excess fat available for consumption to derive the energy for metabolic needs. NAD levels are often found low in individuals with poor metabolism or those experiencing a particular metabolic disorder.

Supplementation with NAD therapy can help with improving the metabolism and thus reduce the risk of obesity or diabetes mellitus type II. A study article published in the journal Diabetes highlighted the importance of NAD therapy by explaining the effects of NAD therapy in an experiment on mice. Interestingly, this study showed that supplementation with NAD therapy resulted in improved glucose tolerance, increased insulin sensitivity and delayed weight gain in mice that were also on a high-fat diet during the research. These results suggest that supplementation with NAD therapy is a beneficial option for the management and prevention of metabolic disorders by improving the overall metabolic status of an individual.

After understanding the many health benefits of NAD+ levels in our physiological mechanisms, it is essential to look out for our levels of NAD by taking NAD supplemental therapy. Checkout Welzo’s List of NAD+ and NADH Supplements that ensures various health benefits, including healthy aging and improved vitality.

People Also Ask

What are some of the best sources of NAD precursors in the natural diet?

Some of the best dietary sources of NAD precursors include foods that are rich in vitamin B3 (niacin), tryptophan and nicotinamide ribosides. Foods rich in niacin include poultry, fish, beef, peanuts and avocados. Tryptophan is an amino acid that converts into NAD+ upon consumption by the metabolic reactions in the body. Foods rich in tryptophan include turkey, chicken, eggs and cheese. Nicotinamide riboside is an effective NAD+ precursor found in milk, dairy products, yeast and certain varieties of fish. It is essential to add the mentioned nutrient-dense foods in the routine diet that must help in the maintenance of NAD levels in the body to support the cellular functions and metabolisms.

What are the signs and symptoms of NAD deficiency in the body?

The signs and symptoms of NAD deficiency in the body include easy fatiguability, weakness in the muscles, cognitive decline, poor concentration and focus, symptoms of depression and increased susceptibility of an individual to repeated infections. These symptoms of NAD deficiency result from impaired cellular functions and metabolisms that cannot derive energy to fulfil the demands of the physiological mechanisms of the body. These deficiencies sooner rather than later lead to damaged DNA and increased susceptibility to mutations.



NAD is a coenzyme found in the living cells. It plays a crucial role in the metabolic reactions and production of energy from them. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) therapy aims to compensate for the age-related dropping levels of NAD that must help in restoring its role in metabolic functions and other health benefits. NAD is useful in the electron transport chain (ETC) that involves a series of steps to create the main energy currency of the body, known as Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Research explains the role of high NAD levels in improved energy production by the mitochondria.

NAD therapy is a useful supplemental option as it promotes active repair in the DNA by activating certain enzymes called sirtuins and PARPs that detect and repair the damages done in the DNA structure, thus preventing many serious health problems including cancers. Supplementation with NAD therapy can help with improving the metabolism and thus reduce the risk of obesity or diabetes mellitus type II.

NAD therapy offers neuronal protection along with always providing the high energy. Research suggests that NAD+ therapy could be a huge breakthrough in the fight against neurodegenerative disorders and the associated deteriorating cognition. It mediates in healthy aging by reducing the inflammations in the body. Supplemental NAD therapy has the ability to enhance the defence mechanisms of our body by supporting the immune system and reducing inflammation, making it resilient against the foreign infective intruders. NAD therapy is useful in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms in individuals undergoing treatments for detoxification and addiction recovery from substance abuse.

Checkout Welzo’s List of NAD+ and NADH Supplements that ensures various health benefits, including healthy aging and improved vitality.


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