How to increase testosterone levels through diet

Your body produces a variety of hormones which control various body functions. Testosterone is one of the vital steroid hormones. It is produced by the testes in males and the ovaries in females. The adrenal gland also produces a small amount in both genders.
Its production is essential as it is vital for reproductive health.
The testosterone produced by the testes/ovaries and adrenal cortex comes into your blood circulation. The blood carries it to the target site. Your physician may ask you to undergo a blood test to determine testosterone levels.
It is measured in nanograms per decilitre (ng/dL) of the blood. It is primarily a hormone of men, and its levels in men range between 300-1000 ng/dL. However, your physician will consider your age, nutritional status and health status while analysing the results. The doctor may group you in one of the following categories based on testosterone levels.
Normal testosterone levels in women are lower, and the range is 15-70 ng/dL. However, the conditions like ovarian/ testicular tumours etc... may cause abnormally higher levels of this hormone in both genders.
A blood testosterone test measures the total testosterone in your body. Only 2-3% of this testosterone is free, and the rest is bound to albumin or sex hormone binding (SHBG). The attachment to albumin is weak, and therefore, both free and albumin-bound testosterone is available for you.
To order an at-home Testosterone Blood test, click here.
You might wonder why I should bother you. Wait a minute; its functions are essential for you!
It is the primary sex hormone of men. Its production influences sperm production in the testes and controls sex drive. Have you noticed a louder voice and growth of beard and body hair in men after puberty? It is due to this hormone. Can you imagine if one has no testosterone? This would be a severe problem.
Besides its role as a primary sex hormone, it is also involved in various functions in both genders.
Can your diet help you to improve testosterone? Nutrition can affect testosterone levels enormously. If you notice a falling testosterone level, appropriate nutritional strategies may help you to boost testosterone naturally. Nutritionists have identified various testosterone-boosting foods. Let's discuss some of them.
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