8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

Mastic gum is a resin from the mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus). It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for numerous health benefits. Mastic gum, often known as the "tears of Chios" due to its unique shape and origin from the Greek island of Chios, is gaining popularity for many therapeutic applications. It is used to improve liver, oral, and digestion health and has a rich antioxidant profile. 

8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

This article describes eight key health benefits of mastic gum, supported by traditional use and scientific research. Continue reading for more information. 

It Improves Digestive Health

Mastic gum is renowned for its digestive system benefits. It alleviates symptoms of dyspepsia, such as heartburn and stomach discomfort. Its antibacterial properties help against Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria associated with gastric inflammation and peptic ulcers. Additionally, mastic gum promotes gut health by reducing inflammation in the digestive tract and balancing the gut microbiota.

Research Highlights

  • A review published in Nutrients noted that Chios mastic gum has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, making it an excellent herbal option for digestive health. The adverse effects are time, dose, and tissue-dependent, and more research on its pharmacokinetics and distribution is necessary. 
  • Another study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology noted that people using mastic gum at the dose rate of 350 mg thrice daily experience lower stomach pain, indigestion, and stomach pain due to anxiety. 
8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

It Improves Dental and Oral Health

Mastic gum has natural antimicrobial properties that help maintain oral hygiene. Chewing mastic gum prevents tooth decay, reduces plaque formation, and freshens breath. Its antibacterial properties destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth, supporting oral health. Just 15 minutes of chewing lowers the bacterial levels in the mouth, leading to gum diseases and plagues. 

Research Highlights

  • A 2020 study by the Nurhayat Tabanca (USDA) and colleagues noted that its excellent antimicrobial activity works against Streptococcus mutans, reducing the risk of dental caries. Its therapeutic and aromatic properties make it a reputable addition to food products.
  • A review by Maram Ali M Alwadi, who works at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, noted the ability of mastic gum to reduce dental caries and plaque. Its essential oils are effective against various periodontal bacteria and have anti-inflammatory properties. It also has potent effects against oral inflammation and cancer.

It Improves Respiration

Mastic gum has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit the respiratory system. It alleviates the symptoms of respiratory infections, e.g., bronchitis and sore throat. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the severity of asthma and related respiratory health issues. 

Research Highlights

  • Research published by the American Journal of Respiratory and Cellular Molecular Biology in 2010 noted that mastic gum reduces eosinophilia, suppresses the production of inflammatory cytokines, and reduces airway hyperresponsiveness, leading to better response to treatment in asthma. The results support that it is effective against respiratory inflammatory diseases.
  • Mastic gum's antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties are research-backed and helpful in respiratory health.  
8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

It Improves Cardiovascular Health

Emerging evidence suggests that mastic gum supports cardiovascular health and improves disease outcomes. It reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and helps lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties benefit cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation in the blood vessels.

Research Highlights

  • A study published by the World Journal of Diabetes in 2022 noted that Chios mastic gum (CMG) has antidiabetic, cardioprotective, and hypolipidemic properties that make it useful for cardiac health. It decreases cardiovascular risk factors by reducing the buildup of oxidized LDL and has antioxidant activities. 
  • Research by Maria Tsota and colleagues working at Harokopio University, Athens, observed its antihypertensive properties by monitoring microRNA-21 expression levels and showed its ability to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. 

It Protects Liver Health

Mastic gum has many liver-protective properties, making it useful for liver health. It protects the liver from damage due to oxidative stress and toxins. It prevents liver damage, and people who took 5g of mastic gum for 18 months experienced lower levels of damaged-related liver enzymes than people who do not use it. 

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects help reduce liver inflammation and support overall liver function. The research is ongoing to study its hepatoprotective effects, yet some proven pieces of research are; 

Research Highlights

  • A review published in Nutrients found that mastic gum improves collagen content and hepatic steatosis and reduces liver enzymes in experimental models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). 
  • Another recent study found it an effective liver protectant due to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

It has Anti-Cancer Properties

Various studies have noted the anti-cancer properties of mastic gum. It inhibits the growth of cancerous cells, e.g., lung, colon, and prostate cancer cells. It induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) in the cancerous cells and prevents their proliferation, making it a promising natural cancer treatment and prevention therapy. 

8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

It inhibits the androgen receptor that causes prostate cancer and weakens the expression of the androgen receptors in prostate cancerous cells. Likewise, it inhibits the development of colon carcinoma tumors. Many laboratory studies have been conducted, yet more human investigations are needed to confirm its potential.  

Research Highlights

  • A study published by the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention noted that mastic gum extract is an effective anti-cancer agent that induces mouth cancer cells' apoptosis (programmed cell death) and inhibits their growth. These effects are linked to the extract form and not the gum form.
  • A review by Professor Constantinos Giaginis and Stamatios Theocharis (University of Athens, Greece) noted the antiproliferative properties of mastic gum. They attribute the anti-cancer properties to the triterpenoids, the chemicals present in mastic gum. 

It is Beneficial for Skin Health

Mastic gum benefits skin health due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps protect the skin from damage associated with free radicals and reduces inflammation linked to conditions like eczema and acne. Additionally, its antimicrobial effects prevent skin infections. However, its skin-protectant potential has not been fully explored yet. 

Research Highlights

  • A recent study published by Molecules in 2022 noted that the distilled leaves of the mastic plant have the potential against some enzymes related to skin ageing. The ethyl acetate extract of the mastic tree is rich in flavonol glycoside and has numerous skin applications. They are excellent agents for skin elasticity and pigmentation. Mastic tree extract is thus a valuable ingredient in many beauty products.  

It helps in Weight Management

Emerging research suggests that mastic gum aids weight management and associated complications, e.g., cholesterol levels. In a study, people taking mastic gum for eight consecutive weeks experienced lower total cholesterol than the placebo group. It helps regulate metabolism and reduce body fat accumulation. 

8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum

Its ability to balance blood sugar levels and lower the temperature is a natural aid for weight loss and management. The present studies are mainly on rodents; there are no human studies yet. 

Research Highlights

  • A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food 2014 noted that mastic gum influences numerous metabolic parameters in mice. Regular supplementation of the mastic gum causes lower triglyceride and serum glucose levels in the mice, which are linked to lower body weight and fat deposition. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

What is the recommended daily intake of mastic gum? 

The recommended daily intake of mastic gum for regular use is 1-2.8g for three consecutive months. Consult the healthcare provider for more specific doses according to requirements. 

Does mastic gum cause Lower blood pressure? 

Acute administration of mastic gum reduces diastolic, systolic, and mean arterial blood pressure. These blood dynamics are then sustained for about two weeks after the administration period. 

Is mastic gum healthy for the liver? 

Yes, mastic gum promotes liver and overall health. According to a 2022 review published in the Nutrients, it prevents liver damage. However, some reports suggest that it harms kidney and liver health, and it is not advised to use it under all circumstances. 

Which mastic gum offers the best results? 

The best mastic gums with excellent results are Solaray Mastic Gum Extract, Greek Chios Mastic Gum, Nutricology Mastic Gum, and Krinos Imported Mastic Gum. Welzo offers Jarrow Formulas Mastic Gum Extract (500mg), Allergy Research Group Mastica Mastic Gum Capsules, and Klaire Labs Mastic Gum Chewable Tablets. Choose according to your needs and consult a healthcare provider. 

What are the essential qualities of mastic gum? 

Mastic gum has many uses and valuable qualities. It has antibacterial properties, absorbs cholesterol and serves as an oral antiseptic. It promotes digestion, heals wounds, tightens gums, and helps treat stomach ulcers. 

Does mastic gum work, or is it a bluff? 

Mastic gum works and improves some stomach illnesses. A study, for example, noted that people using mastic gum experienced improved digestion and lower stomach pain. It also reduces the heartburn and stomach pain associated with anxiety. 

Is it okay to use mastic gum on an empty stomach? 

Mastic gum (sachets and capsules) should be taken on an empty stomach. It is recommended that it be taken 30 minutes before a meal. 

8 Health Benefits of Mastic Gum


Mastic gum is a natural remedy with numerous health benefits. This resin has been valued for centuries for its therapeutic properties, from supporting oral and digestive health to aiding in weight management and providing anti-cancer properties. 

As research continues to discover more of its potential benefits, it remains a promising natural support for overall health and well-being. Whether used in modern science or traditional practice, its benefits are well-known and continue to be explored. 

Welzo offers many such products, e.g., Jarrow Formulas Mastic Gum Extract (500mg), Klaire Labs Mastic Gum Chewable Tablets, and Allergy Research Group Mastica Mastic Gum Capsules. Visit the respective pages for more information and place an order. 

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