EllaOne®: Your Emergency Contraceptive Solution
What is the ellaOne pill?
EllaOne is an emergency contraceptive pill, commonly referred to as the 'morning-after pill.' Its active ingredient, ulipristal acetate, works to delay ovulation, thus preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex. It is used as a form of emergency contraception within five days, or 120 hours, of unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. EllaOne provides a second chance to prevent pregnancy but is not a substitute for regular contraceptive methods.
Is ellaOne the same as Plan B?
No, ellaOne and Plan B are not the same, although they both fall under the category of emergency contraception. Plan B, known as Levonelle in the UK, contains levonorgestrel as an active ingredient. EllaOne, on the other hand, contains ulipristal acetate. Both work to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, but they differ in their effectiveness and the time window in which they must be used. Plan B is most effective when used within 72 hours of unprotected sex, while ellaOne is effective when taken up to 120 hours afterwards.
Usage & Administration
How does ellaOne® work?
EllaOne works by delaying ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovaries. The active ingredient, ulipristal acetate, impacts the natural hormone progesterone, which is essential for ovulation. By doing this, ellaOne prevents sperm from fertilising an egg, thereby averting pregnancy. However, ellaOne does not prevent pregnancy if the woman has already ovulated. Please consult a healthcare provider for further advice.
Who can take ellaOne®?
EllaOne is suitable for women over the age of 16 who need emergency contraception, after completing a consultation to ensure suitability. EllaOne is used at any point in the menstrual cycle, provided the woman is not already pregnant or has already ovulated. It is not recommended for women with severe asthma or liver diseases. Certain medications affect the effectiveness of ellaOne, so it's crucial to discuss it with a healthcare provider before taking it. EllaOne is suitable for most women, but a healthcare professional has a better assessment of each individual's risk, according to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.
Can I take ellaOne more than once in one cycle?
Yes, if necessary a person is able to take ellaOne more than once per month. However, it is not recommended to take Levonelle and EllaOne in the same menstrual cycle, if taken within the last 7 days. Please speak with a healthcare provider for further information and recommendations.
How long after taking ellaOne should I do a pregnancy test?
A pregnancy test must be done at least three weeks after unprotected sexual intercourse, regardless of whether a woman has had her period or not. The waiting time is due to the pregnancy hormones not being detectable immediately after conception. Even if a woman has a period after taking ellaOne, it's still important to take a pregnancy test three weeks later to ensure the method has worked, as stated by Dr Paula Briggs, Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health. To ensure accurate results, follow the manufacturer's instructions on the pregnancy test.
How do I know ellaOne has worked?
Determining whether ellaOne has worked is primarily the onset of the next menstrual period. If the period occurs at the expected time and is of normal duration and flow, it is likely that ellaOne has successfully prevented pregnancy. However, a delayed period, particularly more than seven days late, or any signs of pregnancy, such as nausea or breast tenderness, potentially indicate a possible pregnancy. To be sure, a pregnancy test must be done at least three weeks after unprotected sex and for further concerns, a consultation with a doctor is helpful.
Purchasing & Availability
Can you buy ellaOne over the counter?
Yes, ellaOne is available over the counter in the UK but requires a consultation. The purchaser needs to consult with a pharmacist prior to obtaining the medication. It's important to note that despite being available over the counter, ellaOne must be used responsibly, under the guidance of a pharmacist or other healthcare professional.
Can a man buy ellaOne for their partner?
No, since ellaOne requires a consultation, which means the medication must be purchased by the person who needs it. The duty of care held by pharmacists implies a requirement to potentially consult the individual who requires the pill to ensure suitability and answer any necessary questions.
Can I just buy the morning after pill?
Yes, ellaOne and other types of morning-after pills are available for purchase directly from a pharmacy without a prescription. However, a consultation with the pharmacist is still necessary to ensure the medication is suitable. Access to emergency contraception like ellaOne is crucial, and community pharmacies play a key role in providing it as explained by The National Pharmacy Association.
Can ellaOne be purchased from Boots?
Yes, Boots offers ellaOne.
Can ellaOne be purchased from Superdrug?
Yes, Superdrugs provides ellaOne, online and in-store.
Special Considerations & Interactions
What medicines could ellaOne® interact with?
Certain medicines potentially reduce the effectiveness of ellaOne, including certain treatments for epilepsy, HIV, fungal infections, and bacterial infections, as well as certain herbal remedies containing St John's Wort. Always inform a healthcare provider about any medications currently taken, including herbal remedies, before using ellaOne.
Can I take ellaOne if I am breastfeeding?
No, breastfeeding must be avoided for a week after consuming ellaOne. The impacts on a baby when breastfed within the week following ellaOne intake remain unknown. Consequently, for breastfeeding mothers who have taken ellaOne, it is advised to pump and dispose of the breast milk during the 7-day period.
Effectiveness & Side Effects
Is ellaOne better than Levonelle?
Yes, while both ellaOne and Levonelle are effective forms of emergency contraception, studies suggest ellaOne has a slight advantage in terms of effectiveness. EllaOne is more effective than Levonelle in preventing pregnancies, as found in a study in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. However, individual response varies, and both must be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex for maximum effectiveness.
How effective is ellaOne?
EllaOne is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy when taken correctly within 120 hours of unprotected sex. EllaOne must be taken as soon as possible and before ovulation.
Does ellaOne work if I have already ovulated?
No, EllaOne works by delaying ovulation, so it is not effective if ovulation has already occurred. If an egg has already been released, ellaOne cannot prevent it from being fertilised. It is crucial to take ellaOne as soon as possible after unprotected sex.
Can ellaOne delay my period?
Yes, ellaOne potentially alters the menstrual cycle due to its impact on hormones. Some women experience a delay in their period after taking ellaOne. However, if the period is more than seven days late, a pregnancy test is recommended.
Product Pricing
Ella One price
The price of ellaOne varies depending on where it's purchased, but it generally ranges from £25 to £35 per pill. The cost includes the price of the medication itself and the pharmacist's consultation. Despite the cost, its high effectiveness makes ellaOne a valuable option for emergency contraception.