Solar Plexus Pain: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Solar Plexus Pain: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What Is Solar Plexus?

The solar plexus, also known as the coeliac plexus, is a complex network of nerves and ganglia in the upper abdomen. It is situated behind the stomach, in front of the main artery, the aorta, and under the diaphragm. Situated at the level of the first lumbar vertebrae, the solar plexus is a component of the sympathetic nervous system.

The solar plexus is regarded as one of the seven chakras, or focus areas, in traditional Indian medicine. Thus, it is also known as Manipura or the solar plexus chakra. It is linked to feelings of strength, excitement, and confidence. Restrictions in the solar plexus chakra leads to psychological and intestinal disorders. The solar plexus chakra is opened by physical activity or twenty minutes in the sun. In yoga, the solar plexus is balanced with certain positions and aromatherapy. Solar plexus chakra foods include bananas, pineapples, maise, lentils and so on. 

Where Is the Solar Plexus in the Body?

The solar plexus, which resembles a collection of nerves, is located just between the stomach and the diaphragm, the muscle behind the lungs. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are present in the solar plexus. As a result, the solar plexus provides many of the body's abdominal organs with their autonomic innervation or supply of nerves and impulses. These organs include the liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, small intestine, and the first two-thirds of the large bowel. 

What Does the Solar Plexus Do?

The solar plexus is an important component of the nervous system. It not only keeps organs working but also adjusts the body to prepare for stress. These adjustments can also be reactions like fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.

The digestive system is primarily responsible for slowing down or inhibiting these reactions, even though they are autonomic, meaning they are not under control. This is particularly true in stressful or traumatic situations. In order to preserve the blood supply to the brain, the body redistributes blood volume away from the digestive system in response to the norepinephrine and adrenaline created by stress.

What are the Functions and Spiritual Interpretations of Solar Plexus?

Survival depends on the solar plexus's capacity to communicate with the brain and stomach. Nerve signals that originate from the solar plexus influence the gastrointestinal (GI) tract's ability to break down food. These signals cause wave-like contractions that force food particles through the intestines. The solar plexus is linked to several digestive disorders, including acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Sympathetic branches of the solar plexus suppress peristalsis and divert blood flow to skeletal muscles when the body's stress reaction shifts into fight-or-flight mode, disrupting digestion in preparation for fleeing or facing danger. On the other hand, when the body feels secure and at ease, the parasympathetic nerves in the solar plexus fire. These "rest and digest" nerve fibres support peristalsis and a healthy digestive system.

Certain automatic reflexes of the solar plexus are overridden by hacking into it. For example, inducing a vagus nerve activation by inhaling deeply via the diaphragm and then slowly and slowly out through pursed lips (like blowing out lots of candles on a birthday cake) might help calm a "nervous stomach" by passing through the solar plexus.

To kickstart the sympathetic nervous system and create a "fire in the belly" when a person is feeling sluggish or lacking enthusiasm, try taking rapid, shallow breaths and short, powerful exhalations that mimic hyperventilation. This will activate the sympathetic nerves that originate from the coeliac plexus. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The body's energy systems, or chakras, emit certain hues and energies. Each of the seven chakras affects general health and corresponds with a gland in the body. A blocked chakra can result in physical, psychological, or emotional disorders. However, one can influence health and well-being by being cognizant of each chakra and concentrating on balancing it.

Known as the third chakra, the Manipura Chakra governs instincts, fears, and a sense of power. When it is balanced, one feels secure and purposeful. However, if one leads a stressful life or feels overburdened, this chakra becomes unbalanced, leading to problems like poor self-esteem. Fatigue, weight gain, and digestive issues like diabetes and hypoglycemia can all be brought on by imbalances.

What are the Causes of Pain in Solar Plexus?

There are several reasons why people have discomfort in the solar plexus region, including:

1.  Breathing Problems:

Breathing problems during times of stress, tension, or worry result in a low oxygen supply, which can cause discomfort in the solar plexus and abdomen. Breathing difficulties brought on by respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc., result in solar plexus discomfort.

2.  Pulled Muscle:

Swelling or redness in the abdominal muscles might result from an exercise or everyday activity that pulls or stretches those muscles, which can cause excruciating pain in the solar plexus. A strained muscle is the most frequent cause of solar plexus discomfort.

3.  Pancreatic Cancer:

 Because the pancreatic and the solar plexus are connected, any disease pertaining to the pancreas has the potential to impact both organs. Thus, discomfort in the solar plexus is caused by pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.

4.  Trauma:

When the solar plexus is struck, one gets an abdominal injury that feels like we've been knocked unconscious. The diaphragm becomes momentarily paralysed when this occurs. The majority of the time, little intervention is required, although being unable to breathe is very painful and distressing.

5.  Anxiety:

Anxiety produces discomfort in the solar plexus since it is sometimes linked to the fight-or-flight reaction. Breathing problems are another sign of elevated anxiety, and both aggravate solar plexus discomfort.

6.  Diabetes

Nerve injury results from diabetes. This impacts the vagus nerve and the solar plexus nerve system. Other signs of diabetes that are present are:

  • having frequent urination needs
  • infections that linger or injuries that heal more slowly than usual
  • elevated glucose levels
  • tingling in the feet or hands

7.  Disorders of the respiratory system

Breathing difficulties caused by respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, or others sometimes cause discomfort in the solar plexus region. Breathing problems lead to insufficient oxygen reaching the stomach and belly, which can set off a stress reaction. Wheezing or a prolonged cough are possible symptoms.

Additional reasons for discomfort in the solar plexus include:

  • Hypoglycaemia
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatism
  • Damage to nerves
  • Sudden increase in weight
  • Abuse of prescription drugs
  • Cancer with metastases
  • Failure of the organ

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Solar Plexus Pain?

1.  Physical Symptoms

Digestion is one of the most typical physical signs of a blocked solar plexus chakra. This shows up as persistent dyspepsia, ulcers, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Because the digestive system and the solar plexus chakra are intimately related, any imbalance in this area might impair the stomach's capacity to handle food properly. If one is always discomforted in the stomach, it is appropriate to indicate that their solar plexus chakra is misaligned. They might wake up in the morning fully rested and fresh but still feel sleepy or tired all the time when their solar plexus chakra is shut down. A barrier drains their energy reserves so that they become tired and lack the desire and motivation to continue. Those people have a hard time having fun with things that they previously enjoyed doing if they are constantly tired.

2.  Emotional Symptoms

Negative impacts are apparent in the area of self-esteem and confidence, and one is likely to experience this greatly if the solar plexus chakra is blocked. They might suffer from low self-esteem and might start having doubts with regard to their worth and capability. As a result, they will not be able to meet their goals and dreams because of this emotional turmoil, and they will develop feelings of helplessness and abandonment. The corresponding psychological symptoms associated with the blockage of the solar plexus chakra are high levels of anxiety and over-concern. They sit and find out that they have always been having worries about what is next or that stress is draining them. They might sometimes become anxious all the time to relax and have fun because their mind is full of pessimistic thoughts.

3.  Behavioural Symptoms

The solar plexus chakra gives a person the ability to stand up for himself and establish sensible limits. When this chakra is obstructed, it might be difficult for a person to say no to others or stand up for himself. This might result in people-pleasing habits, which often work against a person and place the demands of others above his own.

Feeling underappreciated and mistreated in both personal and professional relationships might be a consequence of having trouble making his own decisions.


What are the Treatment Options for Solar Plexus Pain?

Solar plexus discomfort is not unusual, particularly in those with conditions such as pancreatic cancer or those who have had damage to the region due to an accident or sports injury. Thankfully, there are several approaches to treating solar plexus discomfort.

For example, one could be told to relax, take anti-inflammatory drugs, and apply ice for the first 24 hours if one had a solar plexus injury while participating in sports or another activity. One could also include some little stretching while he heal. Imaging tests could be prescribed if the healthcare provider believes you have a more serious injury.

In the meanwhile, patients suffering from conditions like pancreatic cancer often experience excruciating stomach pain and are frequently administered powerful analgesics like opioids. However, a lot of people continue to have side effects, including constipation and breakthrough pain.

A coeliac plexus block can be used in these circumstances to assist in managing the discomfort. The block prevents pain signals from being sent by the solar plexus nerves. The block limits the need for painkillers and lowers the risk of addiction, even if it does not completely relieve the pain.

What's the outlook?

The reason for solar plexus discomfort greatly influences a person's prognosis. In a week or two, many minor causes of the pain will go away as the underlying issue cures. There will always be some discomfort, especially if cancer or nerve damage is the cause. A coeliac plexus block could be required in these circumstances.

Certain instances and causes of solar plexus discomfort should be avoided. Among the preventative strategies are:

  • Engage in cautious, regular exercise. This helps to avoid accidents and can also improve digestion.
  • Get enough sleep. This is especially true to aid in the body's healing after physical exercise.
  • Try your best to live a life free of stress. It helps with certain stomach issues and anxiety symptoms.
  • Eat many small meals instead of one big one. This will lessen stomach discomfort, gas, and bloating while also improving digestion. Take a walk after every meal to help with digestion even more.
  • Engage in regular breathing techniques. They help relax and make sure the stomach is receiving the oxygen it needs.

Essential Tips for Keeping Your Solar Plexus Healthy

Fortunately, there are ways they can participate in controlling this body aspect or chakra if they would like to improve the balance and health of the solar plexus. Here are some suggestions that might assist them in maintaining the balance between work and health and even avoiding some illnesses.

Utilise Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are a great way to reduce anxiety and make sure the abdomen region is getting the oxygen it needs, particularly when one's feeling scared, nervous, or overwhelmed. In addition to expanding the diaphragm, which houses the solar plexus, deep breathing also helps to prevent pain and discomfort in that region. Additionally, practising breathing techniques on a daily basis might assist in lowering stress levels that, if ignored, result in digestive problems.

Furthermore, deep breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate. It also enhances blood oxygenation, lowers stress hormones, promotes better sleep, and triggers the body's relaxation response—all of which contribute to overall health.

Experiment With Yoga Poses

Certain yoga practices can bring the solar plexus back into balance and concentrate energy in the core. For example, the boat posture strengthens the muscles in the abdomen. It also helps to balance digestion and encourages self-determination.14 Simultaneously, the typical forward bend promotes better food absorption, reduces constipation, and increases blood circulation.

The bow stance is another beneficial position. This position gives internal organs, especially the liver and pancreas, an intra-abdominal massage. It also helps the thyroid and encourages the excretion of pollutants. Even a half-spinal twist is an option if one wants to promote detoxification and enhance digestion.

These yoga positions open or "unblock" the third chakra, which can assist balance and stimulate the solar plexus, thus enhancing confidence and general well-being.

1.  Dolphin Pose

Raise hips towards the sky and straighten legs to create an 'A' shape. Start from a plank posture with knees, shins, elbows, and forearms on the mat. Hold for five to ten breaths.

2.  Reverse Plank Pose

Sit down on the yoga mat with legs folded and back straight; hands should be placed on the knees, and palms should be facing upwards. Bend the legs and try to touch the toes or knees with the hands while inhaling. For instance, when you are breathing out, try to picture that the body is shedding away whatever stress there may be. Do this slow, deliberate breathing for five breaths more, paying attention to the expansion of the chest and the relaxation response washing over you.

3.  Boat Pose

Lie on your back with your face pointing upwards. To achieve this position, lift your chest and legs at once to form a V-shape. Both arms should be positioned horizontally with palms down and hands pointing towards the ground. Be aware of the sensation that your abdominals and core muscles are tightening. Breathe and hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

4.  Warrior 2 Pose

Place feet wide apart and bend one leg so that the knee is higher than the ankle. With one leg straight, turn the body to face front and stretch both arms outward. Hold for three to five breaths. Continue on the other side. 

5.  Sun Mudra

Sit with legs folded and knees apart, elbows on the knees, and hands with palms up. Inhale when flexing the ring finger, bringing the finger towards the palms, and then holding it with the thumbs. The yoga posture uses the solar plexus, thus stimulating a person's spiritual energy.

Focus on Nutrition

Certain eating habits might result in digestive problems like acid reflux or other conditions that can hurt the solar plexus. However, acid reflux can be avoided by emphasising a plant-based, balanced diet that includes less acidic foods. Similarly, consuming yellow foods is said to assist in maintaining or balancing the solar plexus, which is thought of as the body's energy centre and connected to the colour yellow. Bananas, pineapple, lemons, sweet corn, yellow potatoes, cheese, chamomile and cumin are a few yellow items.

Use Meditation and Affirmations

Maintaining the health of the solar plexus can be especially beneficial for a person who practises meditation and repeats positive mantras. Studies suggest that meditation improves muscular relaxation and sleep quality in addition to relieving stress. Additionally, there is evidence that meditation helps one achieve inner peace, which can help avoid long-term stress.

People Also Ask

How Is Solar Plexus Pain Diagnosed?

If the discomfort in the solar plexus lasts more than a week, medical advice is suggested. It's crucial to be identified even though underlying diseases like pancreatitis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, etc., cause solar plexus discomfort. To determine the reason, the doctor will ask about any recent trauma, anxiety problems, drugs, etc., in detail. After that, a thorough blood test will be recommended to determine blood sugar levels, and either a computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan will be performed to look for abdominal injuries.

What Is the Solar Plexus Syndrome?

An unexpected strike or injury to the abdomen might result in solar plexus syndrome, often known as breathlessness. It often happens in gymnastics and sports. An abdominal blow or trauma damages the solar plexus nerves, which can cause excruciating pain and breathing problems. Furthermore, since the solar plexus is located below the diaphragm, damage to it results in spasms that impair breathing.



The solar plexus, also known as the coeliac plexus, is a complex network of nerves and ganglia in the upper abdomen. It is situated behind the stomach, in front of the main artery, the aorta, and under the diaphragm. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are present in the solar plexus, providing many of the body's abdominal organs with their autonomic innervation or supply of nerves and impulses. It not only keeps organs working but also adjusts the body to prepare for stress.

Breathing problems during times of stress, tension, or worry result in a low oxygen supply, which can cause discomfort in the solar plexus and abdomen. A strained muscle due to exercise and everyday strenuous activities is the most frequent cause of solar plexus discomfort. Discomfort in the solar plexus is also caused by pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer as the pancreas organ and solar plexus are well-connected. When the solar plexus is struck with traumatic blow, one gets an abdominal injury that feels like we've been knocked unconscious. The diaphragm becomes momentarily paralysed when this occurs, causing severe breathing difficulties.

The physical signs and symptoms of solar plexus pain includes persistent dyspepsia, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. If one is always discomforted in the stomach, it is appropriate to indicate that their solar plexus chakra is misaligned. They might wake up in the morning fully rested and fresh but still feel sleepy or tired all the time when their solar plexus chakra is shut down, causing emotional and behavioural symptoms as well. There are several approaches to treating solar plexus discomfort. For example, one could be told to relax, take anti-inflammatory drugs, and apply ice for the first 24 hours if one had a solar plexus injury while participating in sports or another activity. A coeliac plexus block can be used in these circumstances to assist in managing the discomfort. The block prevents pain signals from being sent by the solar plexus nerves. One could also include some little stretching while he heals.



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