Does Viagra make you last longer in bed?

Does Viagra make you last longer in bed? - welzo

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Does Viagra make you last longer in bed?

In several ways, Viagra can make you last longer in bed.

It is really very difficult to live with sexual problems.

Viagra is the standard drug recommended for erection dysfunction. It can help you to remain erect for long during the sexual activity. However, having an erection is not the only requirement for a positive sexual experience.

A successful session in the bedroom requires many elements e.g., a sound erection, a better control over ejaculation, an optimum love chemistry between you and your partner, absence of distractions, proper environment of the room, and many more.

Has Viagra any control on anything other than than erection? Let's summarise.

Viagra and erectile dysfunction

Viagra is one of the PDE-5 inhibitor drugs. It's active ingredient sildenafil citrate inhibits the phosphodiesterase 5 PDE-5 enzyme, resulting in stronger and durable erections by increasing the blood flow in the blood vessels of penis. To know more about how it works and how safe it is, click here.

Viagra can have help you to gain one of the basic requirements of sexual session i.e., a strong and persistent erection. Do any scientific studies support this claim? The answer is 'yes'. A 2002 clinical study published in the Urology found that more than 95% users reported satisfaction in terms of erection. In fact, the success rate of Viagra is highest among all PDE-5 inhibitors.

A Viagra user is likely to have a good erection.

We can say that a Viagra user has more than 95% chance of having a good erection. But what about the other requirements for successful sex?

Viagra and premature ejaculation

The erection will quickly disappear as you ejaculate. Then you enter a transient period know as 'refractory period' during which you will not have any erection. Does Viagra do anything to delay the ejaculation or shorten the refractory period?

The issue with premature ejaculation (PE) is that it is not controlled by a single factor. Many factors e.g., increased sensitivity, high stress levels, performance anxiety, relationship issues, past traumatic memories related to sex etc. can influence an erection.

Remember that premature ejaculation is any ejaculation that occurs within few minutes of intromission or even before intromission and leave your partner unsatisfied. Here comes the complications. Viagra can help you in erection, but there is no such single drug that offer a satisfactory treatment of premature ejaculation.

Viagra can do little help in premature ejaculation.

However, there are some studies that show that Viagra can somehow help in premature ejaculation. For example, a 2005 study published in the Journal of Sexual medicine found that it did delay ejaculation and provided some degree of ejaculatory control, but the delay was statistically insignificant as compared to the placebo group.

If you want to know more about PE, it's causes and possible treatments, click here to read our article.

So, it is a good treatment for ED, but a poor treatment for PE. What about other factors?

Viagra and psychological factors

The answer again is not clear. If you have ED, you are likely to have poor self esteem and confidence. Taking Viagra in such situations can improve your confidence and sexual stamina. It was confirmed by a 2006 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine which found that Viagra improves confidence and self esteem in the people with ED.

Viagra improves your self confidence.

But it can do little to influence the mood of your partner and no study has found so. However, if you have no mood of sex, there is absolutely no way that Viagra can shift your mood towards sex. So, you get only a partial help in this case.

Viagra and refractory period

Refractory period is a factor of age. It can range from anywhere between 15 minutes (for young people) to 24 hours or even more for elderly people. Viagra can't off course lower your age, but some evidence exist that it can in someway slightly decrease the refractory period.

A 2005 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that Viagra decreases the refractory period by half. However, another study published in 2006 in the Urology found that it produced an insignificant decrease in the refractory period (15.6 mins vs 19.10 mins in control group).

So, you can again expect a partial help in this area.

Viagra and sexual arousal and stamina

The answer if flat 'No'. It promotes the blood flow in the penis and helps in an erection only after you have been sexually aroused. In case of no arousal, it can do little to nothing. However, you can take help from your diet as a lot of foods (the aphrodisiacs) are known to help in sexual arousal. We have detailed them in another article. Click here to learn more.

Does it improve your stamina? Again a flat 'no'. Your stamina is a product of many factors and none of them are influenced by Viagra. So, besides the psychological boost, Viagra can add little to your stamina and arousal.

What is the conclusion?

Viagra is a standard erectile dysfunction medication. If you are having a difficult time in bed due to erectile dysfunction, Viagra can help you to last for 4-6 hours. It doesn't mean you'll have a completely erect penis for these hours. It just means you will find it easy to maintain an erection after achieving it.

Viagra can definitely make you last longer in bed.

However, you still need an arousal. It levels are highest after 30-120 mins of taking the drug. So, the effects will be highest. However, it's total half life is 3-6 hours. It means, it's concentration in the blood becomes half after this time and the effectiveness also ends.

If however, your ED is due to other issues, they need separate attention.

The final verdict

By helping you fully in one of the requirements and giving a partial help in other requirements, it does improve your timing in the bed. However, it would be more helpful if you address other issues separately.

  • Go for premature ejaculation treatment. We have detailed PE in another article. You can read by clicking here.

  • If you have attention problems, you can practice mindfulness practices as they are known to help in erection and sex. Click here to know more.

  • Try to build a stronger and healthier relationship with your partner as your mutual cooperation can do wonders unexpected from any drug.

  • Some Lidocaine or Benzedrine based sprays are available in the market. These the so called delay sprays can treat your PE. Other treatment options available for PE are the drugs containing serotonin re-up take inhibitors (SSRIs).

  • The use of some techniques e.g., masturbating sometime before going to bed can also help in PE.

The bottom-line

Most men are very sensitive about their sexual performance. Viagra is a good and trusted partner in bed. Besides ED, it also helps in treating premature ejaculation (particularly primary premature ejaculation which is related to psychological factors) and also give you a psychological boost.

Viagra is a helpful partner in bed.

However, it's actions depend on many factors. Don't hesitate to take professional medical advice in any complicated situation.

We at Welzo are always available to help you in any sexual health issues. Click here to consult our sexual health experts.

If want to purchase Viagra, you can order it by visiting our our page here. It is an over the counter pharmacy drug. You just need a small on-line consultation before using it.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Services

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  2. Buy Viagra online
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Articles on Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
  2. Simple Trick to Cure ED: 7 Simple Steps
  3. Can Diabetes Affect Erectile Dysfunction?
  4. Buy an erectile dysfunction blood test
  5. What's the Difference Between Viagra and Viagra Connect?
  6. Does Viagra work for women?
  7. What is nofap?
  8. Does viagra make you last longer in bed?
  9. Can porn cause erectile dysfunction? Porn-induced erectile dysfunction
  10. The best 15 foods for erectile dysfunction
  11. Where can you buy Viagra?
  12. What's the Average Penis Size?
  13. Does mindfulness improve erections? A step-by-step guide
  14. Alternative treatments for erectile dysfunctions
  15. How long do erections last?
  16. How to cure ED permanently?
  17. Is the penis a muscle?
  18. Is Cialis or Viagra better?
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  20. Is Viagra safe?
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